喺大半年前我喺外地旅行遇上嚴重交通意外,令我要住院6個月,其間我冇辦法聯絡所有人,包括屋企人同公司(意外發生喺落後國家,同當地人言語不通), 到我情況好轉時,我被轉送到一個比較先進嘅地方,無論喺醫療設施同通訊上都比我出事嘅地方好好多,事隔半年,我終於可以聯絡到屋企,屋企人同我講,係我失去聯絡發生意外嘅期間,公司解僱我,理由係聯絡唔到我,同已經向我發出一次口頭警告兩封警告信,但我跟本冇可能知同收到,直到最近先知道呢件事,但係公司已經炒左我,同出左多一個月嘅代通知金俾我,我可以點做?
回答 (1)
Nothing against your previous employer and find a new job.
Under the Employment Ordinance (僱傭條例), either the employer or employees can terminate the employment without cause, as soon as the notice period is satisfied or the wages in lieu of notice is paid.
In this unfortunate incident, given that you were absent without notice , your employer was within its right to terminate you. In fact, your company could terminate you for cause, but did not. (It is always your responsibility to notice your employer.)
In addition what you have received (1 month of wage in lieu of notice), you would be entitled to collect any unused time off (if there is any).
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