I have SSI as an adult. If I move in with my family or parents. Do I lose SSI? I still pay my fair share for food and rent.?

2017-04-23 12:06 pm

回答 (3)

2017-04-24 1:46 am
As long as you pay your fair share of household expenses, you will lose no benefits nor will your benefit be reduced to living in the household of another. The maximum SSI benefit is $733 a month. Some states supplement that amount; most don't. SSI will verify that you are paying your share of expenses.

They DO NOT determine how much of an income anyone else in the household gets - they couldn't care less about that. They are only interested in what the household expenses are and what you are paying toward those expenses.

Since you are an adult, their income/resources are immaterial to your entitlement.
參考: I was a social security claims rep for 32 yrs.
2017-04-23 6:58 pm
Contact the Social Security Administration.
2017-04-24 7:27 am
Yes, SSI which is welfare, counts ALL household income to determine if you are still eligible. If you pay rent and food you must get an affidavit from parents or family saying so. Talk to the case worker.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:24:27
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