The first thing after I arrive at the office is to turn on the computer.請教【after】是介系詞,還是連接詞。?

2017-04-21 10:29 am

回答 (2)

2017-04-21 11:00 am
1. 原句應寫成:The first thing (that) I do after I arrive at the office is to turn on the computer.語意才完整。...after I arrive at the office裡的after是「連接詞」,用來帶出一個「附屬子句」,當「修飾語」。後面的子句不是after的受詞。after...子句是做為它前面的那個形容詞子句述部修飾語的副詞子句,提供述部do所發生的時間點(after在這裡的作用同when/while)。after將「副詞子句」與「形容詞子句」連接,形成子句與子句間的附屬關係,是「從屬連接詞」(subodinate conjuction),不是「介系詞」(preposition)。介系詞又稱「前置詞」,是放在名詞或名詞相等語之「前」,用以表示其與句中其它字之間的關係。所以決定一個字或片語等的詞性,是要看它在句子結構中與其它文字的關係。

2. The first thing I do after arriving at the office is to turn on the computer.這裡的after才是「介系詞」,動名詞arriving是其受詞。after arriving at the office是修飾動詞do的「介系詞片語」。

3. Wash your hands before and after meals.這裡的after(及before)才是「介系詞」,後面的名詞是當其「受詞」。在這裡的and是「對等連接詞」(coordinate conjunction),連結兩個對等的介系詞。對等關係可以存在於兩個或以上的單字、片語、或子句之間。
2017-04-21 10:51 am
The first thing after I arrive at the office is to turn on the computer. In that case, "after" acts as preposition together with I arrive at the office to form a prepositional clause to modify "the first thing". Yip

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