My mom thinks I was making fun of her?

2017-04-21 8:43 am
Okay so I was in the kitchen and I was just playing around and my mom jokingly said "Stop playing around before I make you do chores." I didn't understand what she said so I said "Wait what'd you say?"

She repeated it like 4 times cause I really didn't know what she said and then I finally got it.

Later on she called me to her room and told me to close the door. She asked me was I making fun of her earlier. I was so confused and I was just thinking to myself.

All of a sudden she started crying and I kept telling her I wasn't making fun of her! And then she finally told me to get out and go to my room. I don't know what to do?

回答 (3)

2017-04-21 11:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
She is probably sad or worried about something else. Ask her if she is ok when the chance arises - tell her that you love her any you certainly didn't mean any disrespect.
2017-04-21 11:31 am
Okay having her repeat it once or twice is one thing but 4 TIMES?? She probably did think you were mocking her. Either that or like Coach Simon said, she could've had something else on her mind. I think you should tell her that you were just having a hard time hearing for that minute and didn't mean to sound rude.

Or just ask her if she's okay. Something could be bothering her. Good luck :)
2017-04-21 12:29 pm
maybe you should apologize and bring her some flowers when youre doing that

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