Could hitting/going over a curb damage a turbo?

2017-04-21 6:17 am
I bought a new car last week, a 57 plate Vauxhall Vectra 1.9 CDTI.
I love it, particularly the fact that I can actually hear the turbo nice and loud on this car (in gears 1-2, quieter in gear 3 ) as I could not hear the turbo in my previous cars.

I was McDonalds car park tonight, I was driving around 5 - 8 mph and I accidentally hit and went over a curb approx. 4 - 6 inches high. the front passenger side hit and went over the curb making a horrible thud noise.

Immediately after I realized the turbo only seems half as loud as it did before hitting the curb, also when driving after wards when decelerating I hear a quiet whose that I am sure was not there before.

is it possible I may have damaged my turbo via hitting the curb or is that not possible ?


回答 (2)

2017-04-21 7:00 am
Look under the car and see where the scrape marks are.
2017-04-21 6:10 pm
Hi so you need to get it checked out at a vauxhall dealer as the suspension has taken a hit and what else we don't know exhaust pipe would be my guess as it is part of the turbo's exhaust pipes.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:39:42
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