Weird pressure in Labia?

2017-04-21 2:06 am
I woke up to a weird pain more like pressure in my right labia. It's is incredibly hard to explain. It's not like a pain like a paper cut or getting cut on the skin. It's just painful pressure in the area. It's bareable like that "what is going on??" Pain. Not where you wanna cry. It went away after 3 minutes of my just laying there looking at the ceiling. (I had just woke up) this happened before like 6 other times but I don't remember what I was doin or nun. (I'm 15 and sadly not a virgin cause I was forced and I was tested but I nvr got my results back with was weeks ago even tho they are with my doctor who I haven't talked to yet).

回答 (2)

2017-04-21 5:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your labia minora or majora? It could be a pinched nerve or something like that. Both of the labia are full of nerve endings.
2017-04-21 2:09 am
How about talking to your doctor about your results and asking about this as well?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:22:48
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