do you think maxine waters is a really smart human being?

2017-04-20 11:47 pm

or a stupid she ape with a funny wig --- she is the face of the dems --- trumps getting 8 years o yeah

回答 (5)

2017-04-20 11:53 pm
Well she might be smarter than your average box of rocks... but not by much.
2017-04-20 11:51 pm
No, she's a dim bulb.
2017-04-20 11:52 pm
Don't know, she may be a very intelligent person, hard to tell. She tends to let her hate do the talking, sort of shades the issue.
2017-04-20 11:51 pm
Yes. She represents the people who voted for her. Same like others get elected to represent their constuency.
2017-04-20 11:49 pm

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