Why do retailers block certain weeks for their employees to request off?

2017-04-20 2:49 am
I work in retail and there are certain weeks during the year when no one can ask off. One of the weeks that I can't ask off happens to be a week that I'm going to be out of town. What if someone has a wedding to go to or travel plans a week that corporate won't let them ask off? I am going to talk to manager to see if there is something that can be worked out. What if an employee is sick or something? People can have things going on any week of the year that they may need to miss work for. I'm not asking to get paid while I'm out of town, I just think that every worker should be able to request off whenever he or she needs to. Corporate managers shouldn't decide which weeks no one should request off.

回答 (7)

2017-04-20 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Every employer has the right to set their own rules. It may be that this is the busiest week of sales for them and they want all hands available. If you are unhappy with their rules, find a different job, or open a business for yourself.

You do have the right to ask, and perhaps for a wedding they will make an exception, but if they make an exception for you, then they will for others as well, and they set out these rules for a reason.
參考: Business owner
2017-04-20 7:30 am
If you like the job, promise not to do it anymore. You have to go along with any job's special requirements.
2017-04-20 7:00 am
You accept that when you take the job. Retailers know when they will be busy, and it is reasonable for them to expect their employees to understand when they have to work. If you aren't willing to fulfill the needs of the job, get another job. Suck it up. That is what it means to work.
2017-04-20 3:36 am
Because they are weeks the employer feels they will be busy. Businesses are in the business to make money not work around your schedule. If you can't work when they need you to work you can be replaced.
2017-04-20 3:19 am
Retail employers do that during peak retail times or during inventory to ensure that they have employees when they need them, and also to make it "fair" for everyone. (No whining that so-and-so got a requested day off and they got denied). You are the one who chose to work in retail. Either aim for a better job or plan more accordingly.
2017-04-20 3:05 am
Stop working in retail. The business owners will just use you and abuse you.
2017-04-20 2:54 am
Usually times blocked out for vacations are either expected to be busy, so they need everyone, or times when someone in management will not be present to supervise.

If you have already committed to something without yet arranging to take time off, and now nobody is allowed to take time off during that week, something's gotta give. Either you risk losing your job, or you have to cancel.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:25:17
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