How true do you think this is- To enhance your life, you need to enhance your blood!?

2017-04-20 1:17 am
If you have healthy blood, everything you do is right! You cant do anything wrong because your blood is healthy but if people around you dont have healthy blood they just drag you down. Should it be law to have healthy blood? do you have healthy blood? I think my bloods o.k, parsleys meant to be good for your blood, its a coagulator and a thinner, amazing!

回答 (2)

2017-04-21 1:52 am
What, exactly, do you call 'healthy blood'? If you are in good health you most likely have 'healthy blood'. Blood is NOT affected by those around you.
2017-04-20 5:39 am
Ha ha ha!! to have the governments declare what is healthy for one person or everyone? Ah! NO!! That is tyranny!! I refuse to allow even my doctors tell me what I have to eat to supposedly be healthy!!

Did you know that the Meditrannian diet was surveyed during Lent in a Catholic countryside? That is why there is no red meats in that diet!! Those people eat lamb, goat and beef in other times of the year.

and Parsley is sort of good, but not good enough to include in most salads!!

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:34:41
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