Why it says "my genteleman ... as rough and tumble as they come"? isn t it contradictory?

2017-04-19 11:42 am
When I leave his house, he always walks me out to the car. He opens the car door for me and then gently hands me my seatbelt as a reminder. When we arrive at our destination, he jumps out of the car and races around to open my door for me. And he always places his hand under mine to keep me from falling.

I have heard women ask their escorts, boyfriends and husbands why they can t be more like him. They smile at my gentleman and tell him they wish they were with him.

My gentleman is my 10-year-old grandson, who is as rough-and-tumble as they come. Although I have four other grandsons, Mark is the most conscientious about practicing good manners.

Thank you for allowing me to brag about my gentleman. -- JUANITA SHARP, SIMPSONVILLE, S.C.

回答 (3)

2017-04-19 2:29 pm
I don't consider all that fussing around "being a gentleman". I am an able bodied woman. Why would I need someone to hand me my seatbelt etc.
2017-04-19 11:50 am
I hope you also role-model for your grandson that, while you appreciate his manners and thoughtfulness, that women can take care of themselves... and that sometimes women should help men, instead of always expecting men to help them... and that manners are about courtesy, not weakness.
For example, if a man is carrying a bag of groceries, it is just as courteous for a empy-handed woman to open the door for him as it would be for him to open the door for a woman.
For example, when a woman is doing some type of work, he should ASK before jumping in to help; maybe she WANTS to do it herself.
And, most importantly, I hope you teach him that, when a man and a woman do the same job/work, they should be paid the same.
2017-04-19 11:44 am

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