first off it is never a good idea to loan money to family or friends, but if you do you should sit down together and discuss the terms of the payback,, When, how much for each payment, is there any interest, what happens if payments are not made, etc, kind of late now
You should have discussed with her the terms of paying you back. I would only loan money to someone if I knew they could pay me back and they let me know when.
Have you ever loaned money to her before? Did she pay you back then? Go ahead and write out a ledger showing how much she borrowed, with a section showing how much had has paid back, and the remaining balance. Make a copy for her and tell her that it will help to keep track of her payments. Then offer her the choice of monthly payments. I know she is family, but there is nothing wrong with being organized. If he gets upset about this, then do not lend her any more.My mom did this when I borrowed money from her, and it worked out fine.