Boyfriend playing video games every day?

2017-04-19 3:01 am
One night he asked me if he could play video games and I said sure, like I always do. He took 7+ hours that night, and 6 hours the next night. We ve almost been together 10 months and he s just started doing this for a few weeks now. I wouldn t mind playing video games with him but it s a 1 player game, and he plays with his friends and completely shuts me out. He s minimized it to 3 or so hours a day which isn t bad... but other nights he will take a lot longer. It s hard for me to sleep when he s on his headset talking since I m a light sleeper, and I want to spend time with him as well. I find things to do like watch movies and such but sometimes I really don t feel like watching a movie on my little phone screen and I get bored. We rarely go out anymore either. Is it wrong to say that I wish he minimized his playing time to a few days a week instead of every day?

回答 (4)

2017-04-19 3:36 am
is it GTA?
2017-04-19 3:26 am
Of course it isn't "wrong" to want to do more with your live-in boyfriend than split bills and occasionally have sex. My advice is to get very busy. Volunteer for your local community theatre or try out for a play. Start delivering Meals On Wheels during his days off. Take an extra job three evenings a week or sign up for night classes at your community college. Get out of the house and busy yourself. Find out if he misses you. If he doesn't? That's something you need to know.
2017-04-19 3:18 am
Ok, so maybe he has a new obsession. If it continues say something.
2017-04-19 3:11 am
He is your BOYFIRNED and not your husband.
You date to find these things out.
Right now, in his life, the video game is more important that you are.

The question is, how much more of YOUR life are you going to waste ?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:24:48
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