my sister believes rumors about me?

2017-04-18 10:18 pm
this girl in my neighborhood has been telling people rumors that i called her a whore. i keep trying to tell people that i didnt do that but everyone, including my own sister believes her. my sister just listened to her and believed everything she told her. didnt even listen to me. she told me that she is right because she is a woman. how should i handle this?

回答 (2)

2017-04-19 10:31 am
all you can do is tell her you didnt do it and pray she believes you
2017-04-18 10:27 pm
I wouldn't bother. Why care what she thinks if she is only interested in one side of the story and ludicrously believes that all women are always right!

Tell her that it has cost her your respect, and she can say what she likes; people will see through her eventually.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:24:10
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