
2017-04-18 6:54 pm
二十多歲,女生,4年經驗 wine industry (不是要嫁法國人入籍,只想揾份工作,再申請入籍。也想知道我日後的生的小朋友能在法國讀書嗎?會有户籍嗎?)

1. 我可以直接向領事館申請簽證嗎?
2. 我知道要工作滿4年(擁有3張報税單並超過唔知幾多錢),才可以入籍,是正確的嗎?
3. 什麼公司會願意請我?
4. 將來我的小朋友,會有法國籍嗎?可以在法國讀書嗎?
5. 有什麼我應該要知的?

還是我應該簽個working holiday visa,到法國工作,再嘗試揾公司請我。但我已有working holiday visa,顧主還可以幫我整工作證嗎?

回答 (1)

2017-04-19 2:31 pm
1. No. For a long stay visa through work, you must have a job offer and the employer must begin the process for you.

2. False. The requirement is you must have a habitual residence in France for 5 years before you can apply (Civil Code Article 21-17), unless you qualify for certain exceptions (such as higher education).

3. No one knows.

4. No unless certain conditions have been met (such as you must be a French citizen). Yes.

5. None.

6. Your visa is not a major issue. But the real problem is if the employer is willing to hire you for long-term or not.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 17:55:50
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