Delivering credit card to another address?

2017-04-18 2:39 am
My mum is very much against getting credit cards, but i would really like one, i got one before and she noticed it come with the post and ripped it up, is there anyway i can get it delivered like to a friends address?

alot of credit cards companies now you can get paperless, they would have my home address but just send the card somewhere else

回答 (6)

2017-04-18 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
PO Box would work, that's where my credit cards get sent.

Why is your mom against credit cards? Are you of a non-interest loving religion and this is an issue on that front? Or, does she think you will be irresponsible with the card? The reasons matter here....
2017-04-18 2:44 am
You might request they send it to your bank, but part of the security is knowing your home address and being about to reach you there. When (and if) you get a credit card, they will ask that you call in to activate it from your home phone.
2017-04-19 4:59 am
If you use someone elses address, you are committing fraud
參考: Retired bill collector 35 years
2017-04-18 6:07 am
As long as you live in your mother's house, you need to deal with your mother's rules. If you want all the privileges of being an adult, then you need to get your own home.
2017-04-18 4:43 am
2017-04-18 2:47 am
Or you can go get a PO Box.. What happens when the bill comes..?

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