Are Christians forced to pay 10 percent of their income to the church?

2017-04-17 7:02 pm

回答 (119)

2017-04-17 7:26 pm
In the three churches I've been a member of, not one of them ever made it mandatory for members to pay 10 percent of their income to either the church, or the denomination. Two of them never even have collection plates / boxes / buckets going round. One of them had a collection plate going round the pews in the middle of their services, with the statement that nobody feel obliged to put anything in, but it was not obvious if everybody put anything in, and if someone was observed not to have put anything in, not a word was said and that person was not made to feel 'different'.

The only denomination that seems to make a Really Big Thing out of this tithing is the Mormon church - the Latter Day Saints - yet even they would insist that nobody is forced. Well, obligation might depend more on individuals being convinced that only those who tithe (get married in a Temple, wear sacred underwear etc) will get to the highest level of the Kingdom and become gods/goddesses. But, technically, not even the Mormons are forced.
2017-04-17 10:41 pm
2 Corinthians 9:7 Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

And giving does not just mean money.
2017-04-17 7:57 pm
No. That is the recommended amount for tithing. But, no one is forced to follow any religious rule. And no one keeps track of it, unless they do it for tax purposes.
2017-04-17 7:04 pm
IDK. But Jesus said, you receive free, you should give free. Contributions should be made voluntarily, not forced.
2017-04-17 7:07 pm
Of course not. The government crooks are the ones that force us to pay to support their wasteful spending.
2017-04-18 11:43 am
New Testament believers are not under the law but under grace (Romans 6:14). We have been set free from the need to follow various rules and regulations by the sacrifice of Christ (Galatians 5:1). But it's vital to remember that this is not necessarily the final word on the subject. As the apostle Paul put it, "Do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another" (Galatians 5:13). Christian freedom is not a license to live for self. On the contrary, it's an opportunity to go beyond the requirements of the law by becoming conformed to the image of Christ Himself (Romans 8:29).

As we stretch ourselves by giving lavishly, we discover that the Lord gives back to us. He does this "exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20). In the words of Jesus, "Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you" (Luke 6:38). This is just one of the many ways in which the New Testament not only supersedes the Old but actually fulfills it (as Jesus said it would). The Gospel raises our understanding of the Old Covenant to an entirely different level (on this see Hebrews 8:5, 10:1).

You might be interested to check this insightful link for more information:
2017-04-17 7:05 pm
Of course not.
2017-04-17 7:08 pm
For those who tithe they will achieve eternal life in Heaven with Jesus and God. Hey, a small price to pay for the preacher's advise.

Some may also have purchased the Brooklyn Bridge.
2017-04-17 7:09 pm
No, that is only what churches would say.

Christians are to follow Christ.
2017-04-18 5:38 am
Recommended,yeh,but forced,no
2017-04-17 7:03 pm
2017-04-17 7:04 pm
no were not forced to pay. we choose on how much to give
2017-04-17 11:04 pm
No. We are no more under the Mosaic law.
參考: Bible
2017-04-17 7:37 pm
The only group I know that enforces 10% tithing is Mormons. They will even take your tithe out of your paycheck.
2017-04-18 6:59 am
It is Scripture that "Cephas and Saphira" tried to withhold the tithe of ten per cent and "were struck dead" for it. Other lovely things from the early Church that are IN the Bible include "Women should keep silent in the churches" and should "have their heads either shorn of hair or covered". Lovely little religion! IF you would all actually READ the whole thing and THINK, you would prefer Roman paganism!
2017-04-18 2:48 am
Not forced but expected to help support their churches.
2017-04-17 7:28 pm
2017-04-17 7:28 pm
No, but some countries, such as Switzerland, have a church tax, which is deducted by the tax authorities.
I remember a Turkish Kurd and a non-Muslim, showing me his tax bill in Switzerland. He was paying church tax, I telephoned his local tax authority and asked where it was going, since he was not a Christian, neither 'Reformed' nor 'Catholic'. He called me a few days later saying he had received SFrs.300 and didn't know why . I explained it to him.
2017-04-18 6:15 am
No. First all Christians don't go to church. Also, America does not have a State Church like some countries in Europe that is a part of the government.
2017-04-17 7:08 pm
No. It is a freewill offering or nothing.
2017-04-19 3:25 am
No, give what you want to the church's missions. However, the government takes 40% of my income in property tax, sales tax, gasoline tax, federal and state income tax, and capital gains tax, by threat of fines and imprisonment. Then another 50% of all my property I leave to my children at my death. If they can't pay, they have to sell my store and home to pay the death tax on money that was already taxed the first time when I earned it.

So don't even start in on the church with me because you won't get anywhere. What I give to charitable causes I believe in is "peanuts" compared to what the government takes by force.
2017-04-19 2:47 am
Forced to? no.
Encouraged to? slightly.

In most places, the strongest words used is "provide a fair share".
I'm at half-a-percent and my parish considers that acceptable.
2017-04-18 9:24 am
No. Salvation is free and donating to the Church is voluntary.
2017-04-18 5:44 am
No, The 10% concept is from the Ritual Laws (Mitzvot); Jewish.
The Christian is not to be under the law as Paul clearly noted in the New Testament.

How does the Gentile (non-Jew) know this for sure?
Obviously, we are excluded from the Ritual laws - review law #56 of the Mitzvot; read it for yourself.

The Christian supports the 10 Commandments which are moral laws to live by.
Furthermore, the Ritual laws that pertain to tithing begin at #402 on the above link.

2017-04-18 12:22 am
2017-04-17 11:13 pm
Actually it is a free will offering.

Lots of blessings when we do.
2017-04-17 10:42 pm
2017-04-17 8:38 pm
ONLY the Roman Catholics they a re forced to sign to agree to pay the 10 %

the Bloody Pope needs the Momney to Run His palace and his Toy Boys

and the Papal Layers and to pay Bribes to save Roman Catholic Priests who are Peadofiles

Catholics are not required to give a tenth of their income is a Lie read on with proof and references.

it takes care of those who are in need (the Catholic Church ) Officially, that is, according to Roman Catholic doctrine, the Catechism, §2043, states ... to give a certain percentage, although "tithe" literally refers to 10%.

Not sure that this is globally correct. For example in Germany the Catholic church does tithe (8%-9% of taxable income). Hilmar Jun 19 '14 at 12:33

Our parish practiced something similar. – Zenon Nov 25 '14 at 16:19

You should clarify upfront what you mean by "tithing", because otherwise the first line ("Catholics don't tithe") is very misleading. – jvriesem Jan 16 at 20:13

@jvriesem, it isn't misleading. I doubt anyone literally calculates 10% of their salary when donating money. – Grasper Jan 17 at 14:04
2017-04-21 4:20 am
No, it is voluntary
2017-04-20 7:09 am
No Force is involved.
2017-04-20 1:59 am
You are not forced to but some Christians feel guilty if they don't give that 10%
2017-04-20 1:50 am
It's requested that they do, but they can't be forced to.
2017-04-19 8:04 pm
I have been a member of three churches over the last 40 yrs due to moving house and location. Not once have I been forced, asked or even expected to tithe 10% of my income to the Churches in question. I know people who tithe more than 10% to the church but this is their choice. They have as much right to do with their money what you do with yours.
2017-04-19 7:38 am
No they're just stupid enough to give it up
2017-04-19 7:24 am
No we are not "forced" to, but it's done in obedience to God. True to his word, I find that he pours out his blessing upon his people without expecting anything in return. It just comes.
2017-04-19 12:30 am
I think the mormons do. Guess that's why you get biffed out if you marry someone who doesn't convert. They can't get their hands on that income.
2017-04-18 10:20 pm
Tithing is not required. Those passages from Deuteronomy were reinterpreted by the people that invented organized religion in the first place. There is no 10 percent of your salary. Not to mention it's none of the churches business what you make and how much you give.
I actually knew someone that was shunned at his mega church because he wasn't contributing enough. He make almost 200k from his job and they knew it and practically demanded him to pay up.
He left that church and in sadness never returned to another church again.
2017-04-18 8:59 pm
Under the Mosaic Law, a tenth of the produce of the land and a tenth of the increase of the herds and flocks were given to the Levites yearly to support them. The Levites gave a tenth of this tenth to the Aaronic priesthood to support them. There were some additional tithes as well. Tithing is not required of Christians.
Are Christians Required to Give a Set Amount?
Christians are not under the Law covenant given to Israel. Thus, they are not obliged to give a set amount to God. However, in the true Christian congregation, giving is a source of much joy. Jesus Christ himself stated: “There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.”—Acts 20:35.
2017-04-18 1:42 pm
you are supposed to give to keep that church going, the one that gives you understanding, but no understanding, then no tith.........that's to let them know they are not doing their job....
2017-04-18 11:27 am
Some denominations are into that. I can tell you that Lutherans do not do tithes.
2017-04-18 9:49 am
No, you give what you can and they accept it all.
2017-04-18 9:03 am
No, I doubt many do. Tithing is private no one asks how much you tithe. Some people do keep track for tax purposes but the pastor usually has no idea what his people give. The church treasurer keeps the books.
2017-04-18 7:42 am
depends. if theyre deeply tied into the church, it becomes church politics (i have to give my tithe. to not, is a sin. especially, when the pastor and church committee dont see my donations and theyre watching me).

otherwise, its voluntary. some churches make you feel like YOU HAVE TO DO IT. but its because theyre trying to keep the churches open to do Gods work. your tithe pays the bills.
2017-04-18 6:50 am
God does not force us to do anything, an institution might - the 10% tithe is suggested as an offering up of our first-fruits to support Christian functions. God promises to abundantly bless those who trust Him.
2017-04-18 12:54 am
from my experience
2017-04-17 10:00 pm
Alot of people do. However, it's not according to scripture. old Testament tithes were for widows, fatherless and priests. Thus, today Christians should give their tithes to the poor and needy in the communities, like homeless, widows etc.Tithes are not meant to support a building.
2017-04-17 7:52 pm
Not forced to, no.
2017-04-17 7:40 pm
In the UK, even if you are not a Christian, money is deducted from tax to pay for the Church of England.
2017-04-17 7:39 pm
The tithe (1 thenth) is a tenent of the old testament. It's implied in the New Testament that it is not required. However many early churches "reinstated" it, pretty much as a money making scheme.
2017-04-17 7:11 pm
The Bible requires this of all worshipping GOD> Yet not forced on anyone!
2017-04-18 12:18 pm
the bible says youre supposed to but noone really forces you
2017-04-24 6:03 am
2 corinthians 9:7 let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for god loves a cheerful giver...

and giving does not just mean money...
2017-04-21 6:21 am
Korean churches based in Christianity, in Korea and abroad, require their churchgoers to pay a %10-15 income tithe. It is considered shameful if a Korean pastor isn't dressed to the 9s and driving a luxury car, no matter how poor his parishioners.
2017-04-21 5:31 am
Not at all. Usyallly they are asked to give what they can afford.
2017-04-21 4:59 am
Christians are not required by churches to tithe but it is their honor and privilege to do so.
2017-04-21 4:21 am
No, it is voluntary.
2017-04-20 4:53 pm
It is called hypnotism and holy hypnotism.
2017-04-20 8:00 am
No. It is expected that church members contribute to the church.
2017-04-20 5:21 am
not forced.
2017-04-20 5:19 am
Most churches don't require any donations of you and they won't judge you if you don't donate but they'll gladly take whatever you're willing to give them. The LDS church (Mormons) require you to pay 10% of your income to enter their temples.
2017-04-20 4:55 am
No, it's a choice to pay tithes!
2017-04-20 4:22 am
2 Cor. 9:7 Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2017-04-20 4:02 am
I can't speak for all Christians. There was never any compulsion in any of the churches that I attended. The church I presently attend recommends giving, but doesn't insist that it go to the local church. They would say that your donation to a local hunger project is just as valid as a direct tithe or offering to them.
2017-04-20 1:38 am
Yes, in my years of experience. everybody at church was brainwashed into accepting a dumb con game and looked askance at you if you dropped coins, not paper money, into the often 3 collection plates for regular offering, special offering and building fund. Any churches that don't do that are news to me. I was in churches in several states too.
2017-04-19 11:22 pm
2017-04-19 11:15 pm
Yeah. High pressure sales.
2017-04-19 10:51 pm
Compare a $200 per week person gives $20 and a $1,000 per week person gives $100
Who really gives the most? The income tax people are more fair.
Often the real robber is the man in the pulpit.
2017-04-19 8:42 pm
Not in the U.S. anyway, because the Constitution guarantees a person the right to choose his religion, as well as to choose not to be a part of any of them. Most people that are part of a relgion give some, but most don't give 10%. Not when they are also coughing up 7.25% in FICA taxes and 8% of their income in Federal Income Tax, and another 1% to the State of California (that's what I'm stuck with) plus sales tax on everything you buy, gas taxes, and registration taxes on the car.
2017-04-19 6:26 pm
Another atheist misconception. Satan is a liar!
2017-04-19 5:45 pm
No. The Lord said the law could not be changed ("One jot or tittle"). But, the Lord created a "loophole" in Hebrews 7, 12 and 18; "For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity also a change of the law (of tithing)." "For there is a DISANNULING of the commandment going before..."
An "annulment" dissolves a law or contract (like a marriage) to its origin; meaning it never happened. This same principal now applies to tithing; it never happened.
BUT, the Lord still loves and rewards a cheerful giver!
2017-04-19 5:38 pm
Not in modern times, in most branches of Christianity across the world.

In medieval times in England, and possibly in much of Europe, people were asked to contribute one tenth of their farming produce to the Church (Roman Catholic, of course, in those times), and the produce was stored in tithe barns (tithe = tenth). In many parts of England magnificent stone-built tithe barns from those times still exist. The "compulsion" was not a law, but was a social duty as a member of the (RC) church, which nearly everybody was in those times.
2017-04-19 3:44 pm
2017-04-19 11:46 am
Forced is a brutal use for that honor we respect to assist our churches, mission work, and anything dealing with the LOVE OF GOD the churches that know this is a Biblical request.
2017-04-19 10:11 am
No, just encouraged.
2017-04-19 9:30 am
No not FORCED. A Christian gives according too .2 Cor 2:.7Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
2017-04-19 9:27 am
Jesus said you received free give free. So any giving should be voluntary. You'll never see a collection plate at any JW meetings, for example.
2017-04-19 9:13 am
"The tenth part of anything, appropriated as tax or sacrifice."
-"Tithe" in Hebrew, so it was the Jews who had to.
2017-04-19 7:09 am
No. Some do it.
2017-04-19 6:36 am
Asked, not forced.
2017-04-19 5:44 am
Practically that is so, for the simple reason Religious Leaders missed the "spiritual message" of Tithes and Offering. I was surprised when I read in YOUTUBE this particular topic.

Examine and find for yourselves weather Christians are really force to pay 10%. Click:
2017-04-19 4:30 am
Catholics Are
2017-04-19 3:51 am
No, it is called a "Tithe". Only if you have the income. I only have $50.00, in my account. My life is sad.😯😟😢😭😦
2017-04-19 3:45 am
Of which country?
2017-04-19 3:41 am
Never. BUT...find out how much it costs to run the church,
be fair if you use it.
A good gym has fees. A good restaurant, you pay.
$2 is not enough to then go, use facilities.
2017-04-19 2:36 am
Okay - the Jews are asked to give ten percent of their incomes to the poor - apparently it's a rule. No such rule exists for Christians, who at liberty to give or not to.
2017-04-19 1:36 am
Tithing is a requirement in the Old Testament to give at least 10%.

Instead of this, in the New Testament, each person is to give as he has purposed in his heart.

"So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)

This free-will offering is given on the first day of every week.

1 Corinthians 16:1-2 says, "Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I directed the churches of Galatia, so do you also. On the first day of every week each one of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper, so that no collections be made when I come."

This is the only way and the only time the New Testament instructs the church to collect money.

Where I worship you will find this practice.

During our gathering on Sunday (and only on Sunday) we will pass the collection basket down each row.

If you wish to give, you may do so. If you cannot, or have chosen not to give, simply pass the basket to the next person and nothing will be said. It is your choice.

It is not the church's job or right to tell anyone how much to give, but each person should decide on their own how much to give. A person is to "purpose in his own heart".

The motivation for giving should not be obligation, but to give out of love for the church, a desire to help the church spread the gospel and to care for those in need!

Some are able to and desire to give more than others. Some are not able to give as much. Some may not be able to give at all from time to time. Some give money. Others may not be able to do that, but can give their time in service to others. Each person should decide within himself how and how much to give.

The church does not collect any other collections during the week. Also we do not raise money by selling things, raffles, bingo, carnivals, or any other method.
2017-04-19 1:33 am
Not that much. Its close to 300 bucks a year though.
2017-04-19 1:22 am
One may wonder: ‘Are churches that enforce tithing correctly applying Scripture? Or could some religions be invoking the fear of God to fleece the flock? Really, does God expect us to give until it hurts, as some would say?’Of course, if a Christian voluntarily chooses to give a tenth of his income, there would be no Scriptural objection to his making such donations. (Acts 20:35)
2017-04-19 12:09 am
2017-04-18 10:48 pm
In my experience, YES!
2017-04-18 8:51 pm
2017-04-18 8:49 pm
No of course not, but if they want to, they can.
2017-04-18 7:31 pm
few believers do...because you can rationalize anything when your god only exists in your imagination....
2017-04-18 7:26 pm
The Bible says we received the word free so we should give it back to others free. So no one should be compelled to give 10 percent of their salary nor should their salary take care of the clergy. Members of a congregation should give willingly to take care of electric, lights and so forth. But they should give what they can and not be compelled to give what the church demands.
2017-04-18 5:13 pm
2017-04-18 5:05 pm
can't be forced - just leave.
2017-04-18 4:33 pm
Yes. That's your income before tax, not after tax.
2017-04-18 4:18 pm
explain the term 'forced' for certainly violence is a measure of force...but it aint through violence I think you mean...
yes there are other ways people are forced/coerced,shamed...etc into "giving"...hardly giving when forced.
2017-04-18 3:59 pm
Only the Mormons.
2017-04-18 3:38 pm
A christian does things willfully. When you act according to what God says,Always there is a blessing for you.
Notice the language construction of Malachi 3:10, It is not by force rather if you do it,you get blessed.
2017-04-18 2:21 pm
No. "So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7)
2017-04-18 1:46 pm
I am hearing such a rumor for the first time. I do not think there is any such hard and fast rule.
參考: own
2017-04-18 12:57 pm
No one is forced to pay anything to any church. But people who take out loans must pay their debts.
2017-04-18 12:04 pm
2 Corinthians 9:7
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver
2017-04-18 10:37 am
2017-04-18 10:14 am
No. Who would force them?
Tithing (10% of income) started when the father of the Jewish nation,
Abraham, gave 10% of his spoils from his victory over some kings.
The Jews have been told under the old covenant to keep up the tradition ever since.
Tithing is not mentioned in the new covenant, which Christians are under.
Christians are told that since they have freely received, to freely give. Nothing forced about it.
2017-04-18 8:21 am
No,some churches use social engineering, peer and pulpit pressure though!
2017-04-18 7:15 am
There may be some churches to put this requirement on their members. I am aware of a couple of large churches that demand to see members' pay stubs to insure they are paying the 10%!! Some members have gotten statements from the church with an estimated bill to pay based on their earnings! Fact of the matter is, the 10% tithing requirement was put on the nation of Israel and applied to them only under the Law Covenant. Once the Law Covenant went out of effect with Jesus' death and the establishment of the Christian congregation, Christians were no longer under the obligation of obeying all those laws although much of what Jesus taught find principles embodied in the Law Covenant. Jesus said "you received free, give free" and also we are not to give under compulsion, so whatever a person chooses to contribute to the expenses of operating a place of worship, etc, NOT to pay a minister, should be completely voluntary and private.
2017-04-18 5:46 am
Clergymen recommended us to pay 10 percent of income to the church. But they did not force us to pay it.
2017-04-18 4:10 am
No, the Catholic church, beginning in 1973 when I converted, has never asked me for one cent, and certainly not for 10%. I was asked to bake a cake for a sale back in 1985, but that's the only time I have been asked for anything.
I was a member of the Christian (Disciples of Christ) church, but they never asked me for anything at all.
I have never heard of anyone being forced to do anything for a church.
2017-04-17 10:14 pm
Some (most, in my experience) churches teach that tithing (donating 10% of income) is mandatory for Christians.
However, many churches do not teach so, including some of the largest (for example: Roman Catholic Church, which includes over half of all Christians as its members).
2017-04-17 7:36 pm
2017-04-18 4:09 am
Some churches coerce Christians to pay 10 percent of their income to the church. Therefore, though Christians may attend that church, such a church itself is not Christian, but Jewish, because it attempts to hold its membership the Law of Moses, even though the overwhelming majority of Christians were never Jewish, and therefore were never parties to the covenant God had specifically with the Jews, of which the Law of Moses was a part.
2017-04-18 2:09 am
Since belief itself is a gift that can't be true. You can leave your church tomorrow.
2017-04-18 1:46 am
No and if a church do that then just know your money is going somewhere else
2017-04-17 7:07 pm
Some churches do that. Some churches request your income tax papers to figure out how much your "membership" costs. There is a Lutheran church near here that does that. I can't remember what kind of Lutherans they are. It's not the Missouri Synod.
2017-04-17 9:46 pm
I do not understand why Christians lie. They also seem to tell the worst lies about fellow Christians. Irrespective of what one answer says Roman Catholics are not obliged to tithe, i.e. give 10% of their income to the Roman Catholic Church. Most Christian denominations ask their members to donate money. This is because this is one of their sources of income. The amount donated is often left to the individual. They give according to their ability. Some denominations do put more pressure on their members to donate than others. They seem to forget the story of the widow's mite.
2017-04-17 8:26 pm
Only if you want to be the 'well known Christian family' that sits up front or a 'higher member' of the Church. "Pay your dues and you WILL in FACT go to Heaven." or "God will love you more (we're not going to say it aloud, but we all know it)"....

But you don't HAVE TO BE that Christian. You could just not go to Church, or you could be that Christian that sits in the back and everyone avoids eye contact with you because you can't afford to "pay your dues".

Isn't it strange how sinning occurs INSIDE CHURCH?

COVETOUSNESS — Selfish lusting for things, whether pleasure, possessions, or power/prestige.
PERVERTING JUSTICE — perversion of what is just and right for the afflicted.
HATRED — Unholy bitter aversion, animosity, antagonism, resentment.
EMULATIONS — unholy zeal; selfish ambition, strife to excel at the expense of another.
WRATH — Carnal turbulent, violent passions of unholy anger, indignation.
STRIFE — selfish contention for superiority.
SIMONY — purchasing (by money or favors) ecclesiastical offices or power.
PRIDE — haughtiness; egotism; conceit. Seeing yourself better than you really are.
EXTORTION — forced extraction of money, sex, things, by manipulation; coercion.
REFUSING TO FORGIVE — holding a grudge, harboring personal resentment, a bitter spirit against persons due to past injuries, pressing charges in heart, especially despite ignorance or repentance on the other person's part.

Would you pay your dues to such Church?
2017-04-17 8:06 pm
Churches suck all the money they can out of the dupes, leaving them on public assistance in their old age.
2017-04-17 7:55 pm
I would not do such a thing
2017-04-18 12:53 am
Not forced, but swindled

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