您好,請問如何中翻英以下句子,請網上各位高手幫忙 ~ 員工獲配新股後未達既得條件前,於本公司股東會之出席、提案、發言、表決權及其他有關股東權益事項皆委託信託、股務代理或集保管理機構代為行使之。?
回答 (2)
The stock ownership rights, including share holder meeting attendance, proposal, speaking, and voting rights, of the shares distributed under the "Employee Stock Ownership Plan" will be collectively executed by share holder agency or the proxy institution before all the vesting conditions are fully met.
Before the share holders are awarded and owned the shares ownership rights ,with conditions fully met ,under the "Employee Stock Ownership Scheme",
the shareholders' company meetings, the proposals, the speeches, the voting rights and other relevant shareholders' rights and interests,
are collectively entrusted to the trust,
to the shareholder agency,
or to the security management institution
who executes such.
proxy is document giving authority to represent or act for another(=shareholders by employees), especially in voting at an election(vote by proxy).
收錄日期: 2021-04-30 22:11:13
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