
2017-04-16 3:45 pm
This is a two part thing.

Pt. 1

I'm really hating life right now. I hate myself, I hate the situation I'm in. I'm 15 years old, never had a boyfriend, never kissed a guy. I have no ******* life. I mean, I kinda had one while I was living with my grandfather in my hometown, Chicago, but now I'm back with my mom and grandma in Mississippi. And they won't let me do ****. All they do is holler at me and my sisters all day. I've been to a mental hospital twice. The first time was because I made a threat to kill myself if I had to go live with my mom and grandma again (I was only supposed to stay with my grandfather while my mom was in jail). I really didn't want to leave because of my friends and because there was this guy I liked (who seemed to like me back). The second time was because I actually tried to kill myself. I also have anger issues, I'm bipolar. So now I'm on medication and I have to see a therapist. And my family won't believe that I'm depressed and bipolar. They think I'm faking. (What a joy). And I've already been very insecure about my looks. I'm predominately African American, but I also have Italian, German, Indian, and Chinese in me. You can tell by some of my features that I'm not all black, but I mainly look black. Coming from a society that sees white as pretty and black as ugly, it's really hard to feel beautiful.

回答 (3)

2017-04-16 4:21 pm
You sound exotic, and frankly the man who falls in love with you will find you beautiful, so what you think of yourself is a little less important. At any rate, timeless beauty is on the inside. Physical beauty unfortunately does not last a lifetime. Sounds like you have a pretty hard life. What healthy people from troubled homes do is find ways to spend a lot of time outside the home, by joining lots of school clubs, doing volunteer work, taking up healthy hobbies (like hiking) that keep them outdoors, and indoors they try to have hobbies and interests that allow them to keep to themselves (painting, poetry, music, etc.). 15 is a hard age for a lot of people, but really you haven't even started the first chapter of your adult life, and it's not too far away. You should try to use this period of time to focus on ways to better yourself. Set small doable goals and try to take baby steps towards feeling better each day. If you do that, you'll be fine. You'll certainly have a boyfriend, so don't worry about that. That happens for at different times for people, and you're certainly not late. Spend time now making yourself calmer and happier, and all good things will come in time.
2017-04-16 4:13 pm
You must have been aware of the cliche I have known for years now, "Black is beautiful." You might will want to fervently pray to Jesus Christ about your problem. He may not get involved with your problem until you ask him with the help of God the Father. And as far the suicide thing goes is that the devil (your enemy) tries to talk you into killing yourself so he can have your soul in a burning hell where you can't come back to this life on Earth to decide that you had made a terrible mistake. So turn to the Lord to help you with your most difficult problem and believe and something of solution should come about in his appointed time.
2017-04-16 3:47 pm
So, I'm not seeing a question here.

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