What s wrong with my puppy?

2017-04-15 9:41 pm
She looks like she s constipated but she s in pain. She keeps whimpering. I took her outside to poo and she couldn t. She only got it halfway out and we had to give her a bath to clean it out. Her bun looks swollen kind of. She s only six weeks old and I ve had her for three days

回答 (12)

2017-04-15 10:51 pm
1) There are NO veterinarians on yahoo.

2) The puppy has been ILLEGALLY SOLD to you (too early) BY LAW at only 6 weeks of age. To my knowledge, NO state allows sales of puppies before either 7 or 8 weeks.

3) That means whoever you got the puppy FROM is a irresponsible BYB.

4) Constipation has to do with DIET, or a bowel obstruction. No normal or HEALTHY puppy (at 6 weeks) should need HELP from its mother (licking) to go POO.

5) Only a vet can help you. Puppy ought to have ALREADY have been to vet on the day (or day AFTER) you obtained it, for a WELLNESS EXAM. Most states have a very SHORT period of time (24-48 hours) for you to ESTABLISH you did (or DID NOT) buy or adopt a healthy puppy, in order to get a REFUND or exchange of a new puppy (in its place).
2017-04-15 9:53 pm
Take her back to the idiot you got her from and make him pay the vet bill.
2017-04-16 10:33 am
The ol' rhyme is:

If you can't afford a vet,
Then you shouldn't have a pet.
2017-04-15 10:05 pm
wellness check with your vet ASAP
2017-04-16 12:00 am
Then take her to the vet.
2017-04-16 8:09 pm
Return the pup where you got her from, as she should still be with her mother/siblings for another two weeks, problem solved.

Whenever you get a new pup it's your responsibility to take her to a vet along with a fresh (less than two hours old) fecal specimen within 48 hours of getting her for a wellness exam, go now, and while there you can address any and/all concerns you may have at that time.

Dogs/ puppies don't need to be bathed* unless vet recommended and/or prescribed, should she get chilled, she may have far worse issues.

We're not vets, nor can a vet diagnose/treat your pup without examining her.
2017-04-15 9:58 pm
We dont know not being qualified vets. Take the pup to the vets very fast with any sign of bloating. After calling the vet before hand explaining you are bringing the dog in and why, The vet will further direct you from there.
And why have you a six week old pup away from its mother or are you just perhaps a simple troll in reality.
2017-04-15 9:56 pm
OMG why do you have a puppy so young? Puppies need to stay with their mom for at least 8 weeks. You need to get that pup to the Vet ASAP. You clearly are not equipped to handle a pup that young.
2017-04-15 10:13 pm
Like previously stated this puppy is too young to be aware from it's mother. When young, puppies have to be stimulated by the mother to eliminate. It sounds like she is either constipated or obstructed. Regardless the cause, there is literally nothing that can be done by you other than taking the puppy to a veterinarian. If you fail to do so then you very well may end up with a deceased puppy. If you do not have the funds, then you need to return the puppy to the breeder ( that is if the breeder is a legitimate one) or you can surrender the puppy to animal control. Sorry you have to face this but this puppy should still be with mom.
參考: 10 Years Animal Industry
2017-04-15 9:46 pm
Please tell me you got her shots up to date. It may be Parvo if you haven't.
2017-04-16 11:25 pm
go see a vet pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2017-04-16 3:21 am
I didn't know it was illegal to have a puppy this young. The mother didn't want to care for it anymore and the owner said they were ready. It was just a little constipated and is fine now. No other issues have come from both puppies. I'm just a child. I would like not to be yelled at because I can't afford to go to the vet or I got it too young

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