What is the BEST Game of Thrones season?

2017-04-15 9:34 pm

回答 (3)

2017-04-16 10:16 am
Season 4 because I love love loved the Arya and The Hound arc and that was one of the most interesting dynamics on the show, Jofferey had that epic death at the beginning of the season, Tyrion had a great story with being blamed for Joffery's death, then killing Shae and Tywin, I actually enjoyed seeing Jon torn between his brothers and the Wildlings and the building war between the Night's Watch and Wildings which came to a point at the end of the season and had be completely hooked, Brienne gets the chance to finally live up to her oath to Catelyn and find Arya, there's the whole Ramsay/Theon arc which although gruesome was pretty good, even smaller details such as the fact we saw a fair amount of characters such as Ygritte and Sam (who I love) made the season more enjoyable to me. All round I feel like this season was fair to all of the characters and they all had pretty interesting arcs in comparison to other seasons (such as six where I despised Ayra's Faceless Gods arc urgh).

But in my opinion, there is no bad season of Game of Thrones. They're all on par, except that some have arcs I'm not so invested in or characters that I don't care for get too much focus (The Dorne plot for example and most of Daenerys' plots which all bore me to tears).
2017-04-15 9:54 pm
2017-04-15 9:37 pm
The one with the episode, "The Red Wedding". After that, the whole series went downhill.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:24:39
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