Are you a good person?

2017-04-15 9:05 pm

回答 (8)

2017-04-16 4:27 am
No, I'm a great person! I used to be greater, but I'm old now.
2017-04-16 2:16 am
Maybe,a little bit.
2017-04-16 12:13 am
Because I say I am. You gotta problem with that? I'll beat the chit out of you! I'll run you down with a golf cart like common trash. Don't ever ask me another stupid phucking question like that again you piece of chit.
2017-04-15 10:42 pm
At heart, yes. I try.
2017-04-15 10:08 pm
Shut up! Oops, did I say that out loud. See its hard for me to stay mean.
2017-04-15 9:19 pm
I know I'm a good person because I stay miserable to make my ex's happy.
2017-04-15 9:18 pm
I know I'm only an okay person because I always hope someone notices me doing good deeds.
2017-04-15 9:07 pm

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