「這一年過得特別快。」 這句幫我翻成英文 謝謝!?

2017-04-15 8:30 pm

回答 (6)

2017-04-16 1:16 pm
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The time of this year flies so fast.
2017-04-15 8:44 pm
"euphuism" is elaborately artificial style of writing.
eg:-This year has passed away unnoticed very quickly.
2017-04-16 5:46 am
Time flies, especially the past year.
2017-04-16 1:45 pm
It's been such a fast year.
This year has gone so fast.
2017-04-16 12:37 am
Time is past extremely fast/ rapidly frequent this year.
2017-04-16 10:09 am
"這一年過得特別快"==For the time of that year, it ran on very quickly. Yip.

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