What will a dog owner think if his/her dog mauls an innocent kid, will they blame the kid?

2017-04-15 2:24 pm

回答 (14)

2017-04-15 2:48 pm
Nice, stupid, BS question thrown out without anything based on an actual case. Please, please provide an actual situation where a so-called "innocent kid" was actually mauled.

It's a one-in-fifty thousand scenario. If that low. Your BS question makes it sound like all dog owners let their dogs chase kids.
2017-04-15 2:31 pm
They usually blame the parent for not watching the kid
2017-04-15 8:14 pm
Depends on the individual circumstances, owner is always held responsible for failing supervise, securely contain/control their dog and is liable for any injuries sustained.
2017-04-15 5:57 pm
They can try to blame the child all they want to - but legally and morally, they - as the owners of the dog are 100% responsible for their dog's actions.

This is very clear in the law.

Dog bites incidents must always be taken on a case by case basis .... there is a HUGE difference between a child getting a nip from a dog, because they fell on the dog or stepped on it's paw and hurt it .... and a dog that ATTACKS and mauls a child.
2017-04-15 4:14 pm
What a dog owner thinks?
That would all depend on the actual situation and each case should be judged on its merits.
Sometimes kids thoughtless actions can "push" a usually calm dog to its limits and kids should always be supervised by a responsible adult when interacting with dogs.
Not ALL kids are innocent when it comes to teasing animals.
Not MANY dogs can stay calm in ALL situations.
Yes, a dog CAN walk away from teasing, but often kids will chase after it or corner it and be very cruel.
That`s why they should be supervised.
Unfortunately its ALWAYS the dog that gets the blame from outsiders regardless of what it`s owner "thinks", and probably knows.
However......of course , there ARE cases where certain unstable natured dogs WILL attack a kid randomly for no reason and in which case an owner has an obligation to have the dog euthanised before it happens again. Any dog that attacks and mauls a person without any reason is unstable and needs to be destroyed. No matter how much it`s owner thinks of it. Jmo.
參考: GSD owner for 54 years (UK)
2017-04-15 4:02 pm
Not unless the "innocent" kid HURT or TEASED the dog, or climbed over a fence INTO the dog's yard or pen. No kids - should ever be left alone WITH a dog. There should ALWAYS be adult supervision.
2017-04-15 8:23 pm
I would simply pull my gun and shoot a dog that would maul a child. Dogs so badly trained to behave aggressive socially are the victim of the owner. Dogs have to be responsibly trained, or they will do what they will, and if potentially harmful or dangerous don't belong in social environments.
2017-04-15 2:27 pm
If they are normal in their minds, so they blame the dog of course!
2017-04-16 3:30 am
Heck no, you just told us the kid was innocent.
2017-04-16 1:22 am
No idea, people en mass do not think the same...... dog owner and parent of the child could potentially both be at fault one for not keeping control of their dog the other for allowing their child to be unsupervised
2017-04-15 8:58 pm
A dog that mauls an innocent child is a danger to society and all it deserves is a bullet between the eyes, or a highly poisoned stake. Why should any child need to pay for an animals mental issues?
2017-04-15 5:58 pm
The answer to this question hinges on the circumstances. Which means it could go either way. If the dog attacks unprovoked and was under the control of his owner (unlikely to happen!) and if there's a history of this happening, then it would obviously be the fault of the dog, with the owner involved.

If the kid provoked/teased the dog, then yes, the kid should be blamed, but the authorities usually don't stop to consider every aspect - the dog is usually either shot (depending on where) or seized and pts.

The dog's owner would be more likely to stand up for his dog however, unless there is a pattern.
2017-04-15 4:27 pm
If one of my dogs, or any animal under my care, ever hurt a child, I'd blame myself for not keeping the animal under control- the kid can't be expected to know or understand my animals as well as I do, and I can't blame the animal because it's probably just defending itself from something it thinks is a threat, and I'm the one responsible for watching out for any warning signs that it is stressed or afraid, and removing it from that situation.
2017-04-15 2:33 pm
Blame the owner.

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