If the Earth is flat why doesn't somebody just fly around the edge and take pictures of the ice wall?

2017-04-15 4:33 am

回答 (15)

2017-04-15 4:34 am
If it's a sphere, why does't somebody just launch a few satellites to see if they actually orbit....
Oh... wait....
2017-04-16 7:01 am
Jeez! Wtf? Are you living in/around the times of Christopher Columbus (1400s = 15th Century)? Let's just make it clear: The Earth. Is. Not. FLAT! If this is how you spend your free time, trolling on Yahoo Answers, asking dumb questions, then you sir/miss, have a really sad life!
2017-04-15 7:33 am
I can't. I'm too busy playing basketball.
2017-04-15 5:58 am
Their airplane might fly out of the atmosphere and fall to the bottom of the universe.
2017-04-15 4:45 am
2017-04-15 10:14 pm
The earth is not flat
2017-04-17 6:43 pm
Because it isnt flat, and there's no ice wall. That's ridiculous. Funny that there's so many pictures of a spherical Earth, but none of a flat one; only drawings from uneducated idiots who believe everything is a conspiracy. Anyone educated and logical knows that a conspiracy of that magnitude, involving that many people, is IMPOSSIBLE; the Earth is spherical.
2017-04-16 4:14 pm
Because all of those idiots who believe the world is an oblique spheroid will say the pictures are fake and it is a conspiracy. Please accept this posting as ironic.
2017-04-15 2:42 pm
2017-04-15 9:18 am
Because IT ISN'T FLAT!!!
2017-04-16 10:45 am
Because you can't Moore.
2017-04-15 7:44 am
The Earth is NOT Flat. What proof that even you can understand??
2017-04-15 6:34 am
The only flat Earth thickheads here are trolls.

2017-04-15 6:20 pm
a) It costs a lot to fly to Antarctica
b) It would prove them wrong.

Dick Smith circumnavigated the earth east west solo in his bell helicopter, leaving from Fort Worth, Texas, on 5 August 1982. In 1998-89 he circumnavigated the earth North South in his twin otter aircraft with a copilot, landing near both poles

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