Christians & Others it is a sin if one is prideful?

2017-04-13 6:37 am

回答 (10)

2017-04-13 5:48 pm
Christians & others , It is a "SIN" if one is Prideful ? well lets ask Christians, are they PROUD to be Christians ..

. which definition of PRIDE ?, because the Bible presents a very SPECIAL definition of Pride , according to Holman biblical dictionary

Pride is "REBELLION" against God Quote

" because it attributes to SELF the honor and glory "DUE" to the God .

Now why would the God Be DUE honor and glory , AH because It OWNS you

, that is why it is projected as a Creator god .

. so it creates a mind set that if you are a PRODUCT , you are OBLIGATED

Kings owned the land and the people

Slavery CERTAIN People could own other people is that like being a god

, yes your slaves had to Honor you be obedient .

Then you OWNED your wife , she must honor you and be obedient

then children must honor you and be obedient ..

even if you beat them , because they would not beat you if you did not deserve it .

.they only beat you if your not obedient .. SUBMIT. that is what ISLAM means .

and seems to be the same for christianity , but they get a SPECIAL free pass if they do anything negative ,, EVEN PRIDE its Forgiven Excused EXPUNGED as if it never occurred ,

one need not make amends to people they harm only to the god with praise and glory ..

Religion is like VEGAS , they like the idea what happens in Religion stays in religion , one gets to hide all their dirty little secrets ,

,. that concept of the "CHOSEN" would that not be PRIDE of being SPECIAL .. that the GOD chose these special people in this special dot on the earth , out of millions of others , but they will say as Christians they chose the god .. wait what happened to it created you it owns you

.. No questions asked no inquiry . no evaluation ,no analysis a mindless flock of sheep . clones cattle do not Think follow submit accept all that is dictated


Now God or gods are IDEAS asserted by certain people , and Sin is another Idea dependent on the god idea and the source of the IDEA are people ,

yet they have not DEMONSTRATED a god , so where is the Independent of human assertion SELF evident god ?

as I say does a FOX need a Man to dig a Fox a fox hole ? no if a fox exit it does it itself
2017-04-13 8:01 am
Yes, it is; (Isaiah 13:11) . . .And I shall certainly bring home [its own] badness upon the productive land, and their own error upon the wicked themselves. And I shall actually cause the pride of the presumptuous ones to cease, and the haughtiness of the tyrants I shall abase.
2017-04-13 7:08 am
yes its a sin
2017-04-13 7:06 am
Yep, and fat and greedy
2017-04-13 6:46 am
It's okay to be proud when the feeling is appropriate, but if you become consumed with it, that's apparently when it's a sin.
2017-04-13 6:38 am
You betcha! Vanity is in the same ballpark as selfishness, and a group with selfish people in it will not survive for long.
2017-04-13 6:40 am
To figure out if something is moral or immoral or neither, ask "would this action harm and/or help anyone, how much, and in what ways?"

Having pride isn't inherently bad or good. And it's not an action.
2017-04-13 7:01 am
Yes pride is a sin.
2017-04-13 7:40 am
pride is a sin, its one of the 6 and 7 sins that the Lord hates.
2017-04-15 6:52 am
These six things does the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
An heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
A false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:33:48
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