Will you infringe others' right in consuming dog meat?

2017-04-12 4:25 pm

回答 (6)

2017-04-12 7:16 pm
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In our culture we find it repugnant to eat "pets". Not all cultures have that bias. Who are we to say what is right? Hindus will not eat beef, Jews will not eat pork. Many cultures eat horse meat. Many people eat rabbits. In South America guinea pigs are raised for food. We grew up eating beef and chicken and pork - why is it OK to eat these animals, and then cringe when a hunter shoots a deer (kills "bambi") and eats the venison? What meat we choose to consume depends on our upbringing and our religious and cultural upbringing as well as our country of origin. We don't have the right to dictate to other cultures what they should and should not eat, as long as it is slaughtered humanely.
2017-04-13 4:11 pm
Not rights, but plenty of people may be offended at the notion.
2017-04-12 7:47 pm
No, but you may well offend them if you do this in a country that abhores the consumption of pets.
2017-04-12 5:53 pm
Will you do the same for people that eat beef and people that eat horse meat?
2017-04-12 7:34 pm
Dirty Muslims want to come here to eat our dogs and blow things up.
2017-04-12 4:26 pm

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