Liking someone who has a girlfriend?

2017-04-11 7:40 am
So I like this boy who has a girlfriend a lot I used to have a crush on him when I was 12 but nothing happened then because we were both young and it was a silly crush he moved away and I forgot about it he has moved back recently and I really like him he is in one of the same fitness classes as me so I see him 2 hours 5 times a week and recently I done a competition with the training club am in and he was there but with his girlfriend and she seems really nice and I know I should t do anything and need to back off so I have tried to and am not speaking to him as much in the fitness classes but he is messaging me a lot and he has become friends with two of my friends during the after party of my competition and there is a group chat and everyone is getting on and my friends have invited him and his girlfriend out more often so I see him a lot I don t know what to do I also think he might like me but I wouldn t want to break him and his girlfriend up but at the same time I wouldn t care if I did and I feel awful it is ridiculous I m 20 and I have never liked someone this much we have lots in common and it is making me feel awful we both have a competition in a different city next month and me and him are the only ones from are class going so I m going to be with him for 2 whole days and I just feel crap I m thinking of telling him how I feel and saying I need to not be friends with him or back off away from him for a bit I don t know what to do

回答 (2)

2017-04-11 3:00 pm
Go with your Heart. It's not like you're going to win AT NOT LIKING HIM
anymore. If it was that easy, you wouldn't be asking this question.
Guys and Girls in relationships ARE ALLOWED TO have friends and make New friends. You are not doing anything wrong by BEING HIS FRIEND. Talk, Workout and Laugh with him. If his personality sucks, you'll know without having to date him. If it matches yours and you are compatible, then you get to please your heart without the torture of staying away.
You might still have a desire of being with him, but at least you get to enjoy his company. Boths ways will be tough on you, but at least you get to eliminate one pain.
2017-04-11 7:41 am

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