do you think theyre really in love?

2017-04-10 9:34 pm
do you believe couples who swing or partner swap are truly in love? or is the wife so in love and it pleases the man to see hi swife be taken by another so she just does it anyway?

回答 (7)

2017-04-10 10:11 pm
Sex and love are separate things. Some people see sex as a recreational activity and don't feel the need to limit it to just the person they're in a relationship with. It has nothing to do with how much they love their partner. It's narrow minded to assume consenting adults who participate in open or swinging relationships don't love one another just because they have sex with others. Sex is an enjoyable act. Love is an intense emotion. Both can exist separate from the other.

Even cheaters may dearly love their partners, but they don't respect them enough to stay faithful. They care more about their own pleasure than the feelings of their significant other. That's not the kind of love most people want to be part of.
2017-04-11 12:01 am
I think that if you have to bring other people into your relationship to "spice things up" or something like that, then the relationship has run its course. Your ultimately going against your vows which is truly immoral!

A relationship should be between two people & two people only, who love eachother very much, who are committed to one another & who only have eyes for their significant other!

The sanctity of a relationship between two people is of the utmost importance!
2017-04-11 12:06 am
not in love if you want to share
2017-04-11 1:45 am
Any couple who does it, has their own reasons for it. It's not for us to say why, or even venture a guess. It may be mutually exciting. It may not be. It may be a sacrifice one side makes for the pleasure of the other..or not. One cannot call it 'cheating' when done among consenting adults-regardless of your personal moral stance. It's not for strangers to decide what THEY do in their own relationship/marriage. Personally, I would never do it. I would be sickened to be asked to. I feel the 'boundaries' and sanctity of my marriage would be violated. But that is me. Others who try this (and are mutually ok with it) just have different boundaries. It's a very personal decision for them. An Anonymous poster mentioned 'love and sex can be separate from one another'. Yes and no. It depends on how an individual perceives what each is, and how it affects their feelings about what marriage is. It certainly isn't for everyone. Only for those who can separate 'just sex' from everything else.
2017-04-10 9:50 pm
not in man wants to share a wife he loves
2017-04-10 10:39 pm
I cant see why any man would find it a turn on to see his wife with some other man but i guess it is there way of trying to keep things fresh and to try to make each other happy but still stay married.
2017-04-10 10:23 pm
Yes i think theyre more in love with themselves and satisfying their desires than they are with their spouse or significant other. Its not always the woman that is so in love, sometimes its the guy doing it to please his woman.

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