All I see is fat?

2017-04-10 7:01 pm
Everyone tells me I've lost so much weight, 12stone now 9stone but I still see so much fat. I usually restrict to 1200 calories, sometimes less. My hairs gone frizzy. I feel so fat. I have to plan meals. Know calories, etc. This week I've been eating around 1700 calories and feel huge. I just want to lose weight. I'm 15 and 5 7.5". If I go to the doctors what sort of questions would they ask me? What would they make me do?

回答 (3)

2017-04-10 8:13 pm
Here's what your doctor may not know:

How to lose fat, CORRECTLY.

Long has it been held that people lose fat by restricting their intake and increase their output of calories.

Your body AUTOMATICALLY slows down and speeds up your metabolism in relation to how much food you eat. You only need to restrict OVEReating; not eating in general.

This is why dieting doesn't work.

New question: WHAT causes overeating?

Short answer: sugar and flour.

Both share an inordinate amount of fiber-free fructose, and fructose is the poison.

Stop eating/drinking sugar and flour and watch the fat melt away. Not 100%, but 80% of my 'stubborn fat' disappeared when I stopped sugar and flour consumption.

If you want hard science to reference what I am telling you, read "Fat Chance" by Dr. Robert Lustig, MD. It's frightening, but apocalypses (look up the meaning) usually are.

You'll learn how fructose keeps you from stopping being hungry.

Watch the movie "Fed Up". You'll be disturbed.
2017-04-10 7:25 pm
Don't worry about your weight right now. Your 15 and still growing. Eat what you think you need to eat, and don't let anyone tell you different. Only if a doctor tells you something, do you follow.
2017-04-10 7:04 pm
What kind of questions u r feared of !!??? Its better to see an expert first before doing changes in your diet. Its dangerous to health if you do it without proper guidance.

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