How do I pay for my first car?

2017-04-10 6:07 am
Im 14, my sister is 16 and is about to get her license. Our dad won't buy either of us a car because he has 4 daughters and thats just not realistic to buy 4 cars. Im wondering how either of us are going to pay for our first car? My sister babysits sometimes but its not enough to buy a car. I dont think I'll have time for a part time job in highschool. Whats the point of having your license if you dont have a car and cant drive? How do most teenagers buy their first car?

回答 (7)

2017-04-10 8:22 am
It is a question of what you consider important, You may consider school activities more important than getting a car at this point in your life. Others are willing to work during school breaks (such as over the summer) and may even work 2 jobs to save money to get a car.

You still should get your license when you are eligible. This will allow you to drive your parent's vehicles when they do not need them (with permission) and when you do decide to purchase a car, your insurance rates will be less because you will have held your license rather than just having gotten it.
參考: 38 years in the auto business
2017-04-10 6:43 am
I worked full time for a year to save for my first car; I walked when I was in high school. My kids each worked just a summer to buy their first cars - my daughter's Corolla was just a few months younger than she was and cost her $1000. They each paid their own insurance and bought their own gas. There is no point in depriving a new driver of the understanding of exactly how much cars cost to buy and operate.

New drivers should have old cars. You are looking for a car that is known as a "beater." It will be pretty funky, probably with dents and shabby upholstery. Over the years I have been in tight times and had cars that needed beach towels on the seats because I couldn't justify the cost of real seat covers over the ripped seats. Knowing how to squeak by is a valuable skill, and buying a first car is a good opportunity to get a lesson.
2017-04-10 6:08 am
I mowed lawns and shoveled driveways for 3 years to buy my first car.
2017-04-10 6:45 am
I worked to pay for my first car. When you buy the car yourself, you will have a greater appreciation of it and take better care than if it's given to you.
2017-04-10 9:24 pm
If you want to buy things you need to earn the money. You need a job and not just a minimum wage part time job. Cars are expensive, your dad is trying to tell you that by saying he can't afford to buy it for you either.

Get a job, save the money you earn and buy a car with the money you saved. That's how the world works.
2017-04-10 6:19 pm
I bought my first car by saving up money. I had a part time job throughout my high school years as many students do. Still, I did not buy my first car until I had my licence for almost 4 years.
2017-04-10 8:12 pm
Work - get paid, buy car. Until you have earning you will have no car. That is the way of the world. Parents forking out for their kids cars is not a parental responsibility.

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