I think my 21 year old neighbour broke into my home through a closing garage door, and stole all my electronics. What can I do about it?

2017-04-09 6:49 pm
Someone had been watching my schedule for at least a week and was hiding to the side of my house. As I left for work one day, I believe my neighbor snuck into my garage through the closing garage door and gained access into my house. Around $1500 of electronics were stolen. I have no concrete proof it was my neighbour, but I strongly suspect it was. How can I find out truth when I have no proof and nothing has come up?

回答 (8)

2017-04-10 9:37 pm
Funny i could have sworn you broke in to my rabbits hutch and stole all their carrots.
Sounds stupid does it not?
Well so does your guesses.
If fact their could lead to you being sued for every thing you own and more!
2017-04-09 10:16 pm
Nothing. You have no proof as to if they did it or not and if you call the police and tell them what you "think" they could just go ask him and of course he will say no. Without any evidence from you, they have no probable cause and can't get a search warrant. If they ask he has every right to say "no" and then they MIGHT get suspicious but he could also say that the only reason you are FALSELY ACCUSING him is for some reason or another and if they believe him, they won't press the issue and drop it.
2017-04-09 6:58 pm
Write a description of the items stolen, give that to the sheriff and the cops, they can watch for any sales on the internet or in the papers.
2017-04-11 9:41 pm
Jot down all of the objects which were stolen, and include their names and serial numbers so that they can be identified. You will also need to have sufficient evidence to prove your point to get justice served against your neighbour.
2017-04-09 7:48 pm
Why did you not secure the door to the garage?
2017-04-10 1:17 am
You file a report with the police EXACTLY as you would if you had no idea who stole the items. You include in the report whatever you actually KNOW about the home being watched. You can say you SUSPECT the neighbor, but that won't be worth the breath use to say so.
2017-04-09 7:44 pm

If your 21yo neighbor lives next door with his parents you can try the following.

Firstly make an accurate list of everything that was stolen.

Get a box of cookies from a bakery and knock on their door.
Introduce yourself as the friendly neighbor from next door.

If they invite you in and you feel at ease you can mention your suspicion to them and present your list. They can take a look in their son’s room and see if they find the electronics. Be clear that you have no intention of getting police involved and that you just want your stuff back.


Alternatively, you can file a police report, which you should do anyway.


Request that the police take fingerprints where the intruder would have lifted the garage door.

Then you can get a private detective to try to obtain the 21yo’s fingerprints and see if there is a match.

This endeavor would cost around $1500 so it may not be worth it.
2017-04-09 7:17 pm
You have a valid doubt.

Lodge a strong Police complaint.
參考: own

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