how long can i drive with a worn out axle ...?

2017-04-09 12:18 am
the cars front left axle also have started wobbling at speeds of 30kmph and above , in addition i can also hear clicking noise on straight roads and even on sharp turns..!
PS i am a guy who spends on car maintenance too much but budget this month was pretty rough so i cant manage to afford more expenses just wanna know if i can do another 400 or 500 kms and i can drive slow

回答 (6)

2017-04-10 12:58 am
Id give you about 15 miles until you die.
2017-04-09 5:39 am
Maybe a better question would be, "How long before I die in an accident caused by a worn out axle?"
2017-04-09 2:10 am
The secret to.low maintenance bills and reliable cars is to fix things before they break and cause more damage.
A proper service should find things in need of fixing
2017-04-09 1:18 am
No, fix it now, before it fails and you kill someone.
2017-04-09 11:20 pm
You're driving a ticking bomb. When that axle fails it won't be pretty.
2017-04-09 3:44 am
You can drive it until the wheel falls off. That may be 2-3 months from now, or it could be tomorrow morning in the middle of the freeway at rush hour. Your choice.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:32:58
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