I don't feel like I will ever have sex, advice?

2017-04-07 8:15 am
I'm 16 ( young I know ) and everyone else my age is having sex! I am not interested really in serious relationships but feel like a loser do not having sex. I feel like I will never find someone.

回答 (4)

2017-04-07 8:52 am
✔ 最佳答案

No, really dude, c'mon. LOTS of guys don't get to dip their dolphin into a pink pool before 18. Many don't go there before they're 20. Some guys go to 22 before the event. And some guys never do. But for you to complain that you're 16 and haven't had puzzy yet - that's just ridiculous!

Focus on your education. It's the foundation of your future. Do good in school (and college) and you'll do well in life. And since girls love smart guys, going to college - you'll get plenty of the pink stuff. But the good news isn't the puzzy, it's the education you'll get. Your future will be great if you get a degree. If not - the puzzy you get will be the stuff most guys don't even want. An education will never leave you. And you'll never find yourself in the hole (in more ways than one).

Be smart. Stop worrying about dipping the dolphin. Wait till you're at least 19 before you start. That way you'll be relatively mature about life and wiser for the waiting.
2017-04-09 1:14 am
I think your attitude about sex will change when you meet a special person who captures your heart.
2017-04-07 8:43 am
Contrary to what you think, not everyone is having sex. There are plenty of teens out there who claim they've had sex, but never actually have. Peer pressure and all that crap.

You are young and definitely NOT a loser for not having had sex yet.
2017-04-07 8:40 am
Yes you are young and your whole life is ahead of you, so stop stressing out over this and don't be any hurry to lose your virginity. It will happen before you know it.

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