Smoothie for my ex boyfriend?

2017-04-06 12:30 pm
I'm going to make a smoothie for my ex boyfriend but I don't have any almond or coconut milk.
Will cows milk or cream curdle with mango, strawberries or blueberries?
Also I would like to hear any ideas for making his smoothie more amazing. : )


回答 (4)

2017-04-06 12:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You could use the cows milk but if he is used to using almond milk then use only a liitle bit of cows milk and dilute the rest with water. Also, because almond milk is typically sweeter, add some sugar to the diluted cows milk. If you have bananas then i would go with the classic strawberry banana smoothie with peanut butter. Also if you have any cereal, then add about a 3/4 cups of cereal to give it more taste variety. For more frozen smoothie add more ice, for more liquid smoothie use less ice.
2017-04-07 9:13 am
Any milk is fine. Add berries and banana. I use vanilla Greek yogurt instead of milk.
2017-04-06 1:12 pm
Forgive him. God will forgive you, and your ex will not get the message and just be angrier with you. The winner of these arguments is the one who realises that it is wonderful to forgive. God bless you.
2017-04-07 10:09 am
Can I answer my own question?

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