Fluent speakers of English, could you help me with my English?

2017-04-05 4:08 am
My English is not very good but I have to translate an interview. I am not sure if the beggining part sounds ok for English speakers or does it sound unnatural?

On the occasion of the International Dentist’s Day we interview the winner of the best dental technician 2015 title Tom Nowak. His colleagues and community members refer to Tom as a world-class dental technician creating precision dental restorations meeting highest aesthetic standards.

回答 (3)

2017-04-05 6:00 am
"On the occasion of International Dentist's Day . . . . . dental technician. The 2015 title goes to Tom Nowak. . . .
2017-04-05 4:43 am
What you have will work but, it doesn't flow naturally.
Native speakers do not say "On the occasion of" Just "On International Dentists Day"
If the interview already took place and this is the intro to the transcript, you need to change the verb tense to past. "we interviewed the winner"
2015 should be between the and best with a comma after 2015 and title
"of the 2015, Best Dental Technician title, Tom Nowak (always capitalize titles)
On International Dentist's Day we interviewed the winner of the 2015, Best Dental Technician title, Tom Nowak.
These are minor tweaks but, they do help to give it a more native sound. Your English is very good by the way.
2017-04-05 4:10 am
Sounds good to me, Good Luck

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