Do you loose respect for someone who lies to you and you find out?

2017-04-05 1:03 am

回答 (16)

2017-04-05 5:20 pm
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It all depends what they lied about and why. Some people lie due to embarrassment or shame. Though, if someone straight up lies for no good reason...then yes, I tend to lose respect and trust in them.
2017-04-05 1:22 am
The old expression springs to mind "you know where you are with a thief, but never with a liar".
2017-04-05 1:17 am
Sadly yes I would my friend.
2017-04-05 1:08 am
Not always. It depends on why they lied. I'm not going to write someone off for lying to me unless it was out of pure malice.
2017-04-05 1:06 am
depends on the lie. and why.
2017-04-05 1:16 am
2017-04-05 1:09 am
2017-04-05 1:11 am
All in the very situation,and its details..

Trust is lost..when people deliberately

lie to try to hurt you..this type..I do not

need..nor want in my life,not now..or ever.~*
2017-04-05 1:06 am
Of course! If I trusted someone and learned they had lied to me, they would not be the respectable person I thought they were. That person never existed and, therefore, I would not have any respect for the newly-revealed liar at all.
2017-04-05 1:06 am
No, I lose trust, but not respect.
2017-04-05 1:06 am
2017-04-06 4:12 pm
It depends on the lie. If it's like an exaggeration to make oneself appear a little better than they are, then I can understand. I don't do this myself, but we all have insecurities we try to mask, keeping them from being revealed. that's only human. I think it would be a over the top to call that a "betrayal of trust". What I don't find acceptable is flat out deception, at the expense of my trust.
2017-04-05 8:56 am
Yes obviously, I can't have friends or acquaintance lie to me, friendship will come to an end.
2017-04-05 1:04 am
Yes, because I hate liars.
2017-04-05 5:48 am
Its a basic fact of the human condition that everyone lies the only differential is what they lie about. Depending on what type of lie (most people tell the middle to the worst) I would say a definite yes.
2017-04-05 1:15 am
I lie all the time. Sometimes I do it for fun especially on the internet. I'm a mother of three (truth). I will lie through my back teeth to protect them. The loss of random peoples respect makes no dent. The loss of theirs would be devastating. I never lie to my kids and I never betray them. Everybodies respect isn't necessary. Pick those you care about and endeavour to always behave in a way towatds them that instills trust. That is all.

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