Another name for "Electronic Technician"?

2017-04-04 7:48 am

回答 (12)

2017-04-06 6:22 pm
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NOT really electrician, this is something else, though electricians can have electronics knowledge/experience and be called Electronics Technicians too.
The terms Technician, Repairman, Engineer, Service Operative are all commonly used. I have a qualification called " Television Electronics Mechanic" but I have never been called that.
2017-04-04 7:59 am
Let's see...

Repair Guy.

Stuff Fixer.

TV Repairman.

Audio Doctor.
(This is the name of at least one actual business
and may be trademarked.)
2017-05-24 8:40 pm
Another name for "Electronic Technician" are:
a).electronic engineer,
b).electronic experts, and
c).electronic professionals
d).electronic mechanic
e).electronic repairman
f).electronic service operative
All these names called for their knowledge+experience level based.
2017-04-10 4:34 am
I think her driver's license has her name as "Abigail", but she also goes by "Abbie" or "Abby".
2017-04-08 12:54 pm
Another name is ET.
2017-04-07 6:23 pm
He is a electronics trainer and engineer. it is electronics technician was a Electrician.
2017-04-05 7:40 pm
Hi so electronics engineer. telecommunications engineer.
2017-04-04 9:16 pm
engineering technician, industrial electrician
2017-04-04 9:16 am
Electrician,electrical expert,electronics technician,wireman,linesman,lineman,juicer,electrical repairman,television repairman,EMC. Those are about all of the names for it. Hope I helped.
2017-04-04 10:18 am
2017-04-04 8:10 am
2017-04-04 8:49 am
Electromagnetic Research Theoretical Physicist

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