Can i bring a kinder egg with me to the US?

2017-04-04 4:11 am
I m taking a trip to the US and want to bring one single kinder egg for my friend. Can i pack it in my luggage/carry on without having any issues? or is there some way they can detect it?

回答 (17)

2017-04-04 7:40 pm
All bags are scanned at Customs, whether it is your checked bag or your carry-on bag. Because these are illegal in the US, it will be confiscated if discovered. You could also get into trouble for trying to sneak it in.
2017-05-28 5:47 pm
2017-05-27 2:21 am
2017-05-26 11:02 pm
2017-05-21 3:32 am
I understand the fine is about $1200 per egg--so not worth it at all.
2017-04-14 6:35 pm
They have been specifically banned in the USA. Apparently they are a health hazard because American children try to eat the toy. Yes really!
At best it would be confiscated. At worst you or your parents would be fined.
No one is going to miss out by not having a Kinder egg.
2017-04-09 2:04 pm
2017-04-09 6:25 am
NO and attempting to smuggle can get you a $2000 Fine.
American officials have decided that American children are too stupid and do not know they should not eat the toy inside.
The Safety Police that bring you label like this it hot it might burn you stickers.
2017-04-06 3:19 pm
2017-04-06 8:38 am
Recommend that you find something else interesting to bring. The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol deems these Kinder Eggs prohibited from import into the U.S. (See link.)

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol do have access to x-ray machines and they can ask inspection of your belongings at any time at their checkpoint until you are cleared.
參考: Work part-time at a U.S. airport.
2017-04-04 9:40 pm
Kinder eggs are illegal in the US. Don't attempt this; it's not worth the risk. The egg will be confiscated if detected and the fine can be $2,500 per egg. In addition if you don't declare it on your customs form, you've violated US Federal law and can be in more trouble for that. This could also subject you to enhanced customs inspections anywhere you go for years.
2017-04-04 6:02 am
Chocolate eggs are considered food and you must declare food at Customs. By the time you get to Customs your bag will have been xrayed and there's every chance the Kinder egg will have been discovered. Apart from the egg being confiscated, you can be fined for trying to bring it in to the country and for lying about it.
2017-04-04 5:13 am
I understand the fine is about $1200 per egg--so not worth it at all.
2017-04-08 6:29 pm
Only a total idiot would attempt to smuggle one.
2017-04-04 4:50 am
They are most confiscated item at the Canadian airports, apparently. But it is very unlikely that anyone is going to go through your bags unless you look suspicious.
2017-04-04 4:13 am
Legally, no. But the chances of it being detected in your checked luggage are quite small.

Not zero, however.

I was very surprised on a visit to the UK to see signs about Kinder eggs being taken out of the country. I'd planned to bring back one for each of our kids.
2017-04-04 4:12 am

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