Which is more appropriate?

2017-04-03 7:29 pm
I can think of nothing more____ than arriving at the theater and discovering that I had left the tickets at home.

A) traumatizing
B) Vexacious

回答 (6)

2017-04-03 7:35 pm
The answer is B), but you should have spelt the word like this: vexatious.
2017-04-03 7:32 pm
Vexacious. Such an incident does not rise to the level of trauma.
2017-04-03 10:05 pm
vexatious, as in annoying or frustrating. Traumatizing seems extremely excessive for such a small mistake.
2017-04-03 11:06 pm
2017-04-03 10:27 pm
2017-04-03 10:17 pm

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