Leg Pain because of longboarding?

2017-04-03 5:42 pm
I started longboarding two months ago and after longboarding every day for about a week and a half I got a really bad pain in my right foot (foot I push with) and after researching about it I didn't longboard for about 2 weeks. I started again and the pain continued so I stopped for another week and then I sucked it up and longboarded regardless of the pain. Now my foot doesn't hurt as much but my whole leg is bothering me. I want to get back on the board but the pain doesn't allow me to. Any suggestions? (my board is a cruiser)

回答 (1)

2017-04-03 5:47 pm
You need to think about what you're doing that's causing pain. And what kind of pain is it? Muscle pain? It could be that you're using muscles you never really used before and till you get used to it you'll be sore. Not sure. I'd suggest riding a bit and gradually increase but if the pain persists see an orthopedic or someone versed in sports medicine.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:33:03
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