Honda used car inspection please help?

2017-04-01 4:14 am
I leased my 2014 honda 3 years ago. I went to finance my car and buy it off honda but they're charging me $685 to get it inspected. Is this usually what it costs?

回答 (7)

2017-04-01 8:16 am
Tell them you don't want a certified car! You already know how it drives. They are just trying to pad the sale.
參考: Mitsubishi Master Tech
2017-04-03 2:01 am
Read your lease deal.
2017-04-01 9:18 am
Walk and find another finance company. Better yet, return the car as you will be paying for a car with an inflated value.
2017-04-01 6:57 am
Odd the seller pays for that you don't own it, what a scam.....
2017-04-01 5:48 am
What? Safety Inspections are normally < $50. See what your local garage charges!
2017-04-01 5:00 am
That's ridiculous! Even if a dealer Mechanic gave the car an extensive back to front inspection it wouldn't cost more than $250.
Sounds like a BS finance company charge, find another institution.
2017-04-01 4:22 am
"inspected" for what ?? sounds fishy to your lease contract to see if that clause is in there...........I can see an inspection if you were returning the vehicle, but not if you want to buy it

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:21:01
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