So, who you think was more handsome? Sting or David Bowie?

2017-03-31 9:50 pm

回答 (9)

2017-04-02 7:57 pm
David Bowie
2017-04-02 1:15 am
Bowie in his Ziggy period although Sting has become ruggedly handsome as he's gotten older.
2017-04-01 7:01 pm
2017-03-31 11:37 pm
2017-03-31 10:06 pm
Bowie was weird, and wonderful, but not handsome.

Sting especially later on was very together, and handsome.
2017-03-31 9:53 pm
i always had a HUGE crush on Bowie. He was so weird but so appealing :)
2017-03-31 9:51 pm
2017-04-01 3:29 am
of course
2017-04-01 12:26 am
Bowie. At least he was nice. Sting is a douche.

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