Why did Obama get the Nobel Peace Prize when he went to war with Libya, armed terrorists in Syria, bombed Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan?

2017-03-30 12:10 am
Oh yea it's because Liberals control the media, international institutions, pop culture, culture and pretty much everything

回答 (15)

2017-03-30 12:10 am
Because he was black. Which was extremely racist.
2017-03-30 12:14 am
Bush armed terrorists in Syria, left the entire middle east in chaos, and pissed off people around the world enough to make them want to join terrorist organizations.
2017-03-30 12:51 am
Actually because the Nobel prize committee liked one or more of his speeches. Still, it is nice to know that you acknowledge that your worldview is failing.
2017-03-30 12:30 am
Looking at the 2009 nominees, who would you have rather received the prize?
2017-03-30 12:19 am
The committee felt obligated to give it to a fake black guy. For if they
had vetted him properly. He would have been found out to be a damn
Arab. With somewhat darker skin.
2017-03-30 12:14 am
Oh blah blah and if he didn't do any of those things, you'd have called him "weak" and an "appeaser".

When you hate someone, they can't do anything to please you. But relax, there's no longer a black man in the white house, so you can ease up and enjoy the laughs from the imbecile you put in his place.
2017-03-30 12:32 am
Facts just have a tendency to be liberal biased...
2017-03-30 12:31 am
Because he was black.
2017-03-30 1:38 am
Fundamentally, got it for the major achievement of getting elected president of the United States despite being black. You might not think that was an epic achievement, but it is fairly clear that almost everyone else in the world did. They know what a racist country the USA is. And Trump should get the Ignobel Peace Prize for precisely the same reason (he is the reflex reaction to the achievement of Obama, and is the diametrical opposite in almost every respect).

Did Obama deserve the Peace Prize? Not for anything that he actually did, and ultimately he showed that he was little different from his republican predecessor when it came to war-making. But symbolically? Definitely. And is not the Peace Price nothing but a symbolic gesture anyway?
2017-03-30 12:22 am
I've always thought it was rather ironic that Obama got the Nobel PEACE prize for basically doing NOTHING, and then he killed more innocent civilians during his 8 years as President than BOTH Bushes combined.

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