Dog is having behavioral problems?

2017-03-29 8:58 am
My dog is now currently around 9 months old and a couple months ago he began to develop some behavioral problems that are getting worse. He will continually jump up on people, he'll jump up on people when they walk in the house and he'll jump up on people when they walk past him. He also will nip at you when he jumps, and he'll continually do this. He'll also go up to people and nip at them, sometimes even there face.
Here's an example of his jumping: my brother walked into the living room and as soon as my dog saw him he ran up to him and continually jumped on him until my brother went back in his room.
Here's an example of his nipping: my mom was sitting on the living room floor when my dog all of a sudden came over and just nipped at my moms knee then he continually nipped at her until she brought out a remote (he's scared of remotes).
I will also add that even if we're petting him and he's completely calm he'll randomly began to get all riled up and start to do these things.
Why is he acting like this and what can we do to stop this behavior? He doesn't listen when we say no or spank his butt.

回答 (9)

2017-03-29 9:08 am
The dog doesn't have any problems, it is the owners lack of proper training the dog. Take your pup through a Basic Obedience Class. This will teach you how to train your dog in Basic obedience, 7 commands. Learn one command a week & practice what you learned in class & learn a new command the next week. One class a week for about 8 weeks. There are thousands of sites on line about basic obedience, even videos or buy some dog training books, there are thousands of them too.

Between the classes & what you learn on line & what you read in the books, you'll be fully equipped to train your dog. there is even information about 'how to stop a dog from jumping up on you?' Just google any questions you have to find your answers.
2017-03-29 9:41 am
Your dog does not have behavioral problems. Your dog lacks training and needs more exercise.
"He doesn't listen when we say no or spank his butt. " First off, NEVER spank your dog, especially a puppy that doesn't know anything, because YOU have failed to train it. Second, of course he doesn't listen when you say 'no', because, he doesn't know what that means. ...again, because you have failed to train him.

This puppy needs to be enrolled in a basic puppy obedience class, and everyone in the family needs to be involved, so you ALL learn what is expected from the puppy. You will learn how to teach your dog basic life skills, such as not jumping on people. From this, you will have the knowledge to teach your dog more things as life progresses.
2017-03-30 4:01 pm
He's behaving that way because you suck at behavior training.
2017-03-29 10:32 am
You and your family need to get him into obedience classes asap. If you don't get a handle on this, I fear it will be another euthanized Pit Bull story. He could hurt someone.
2017-03-29 1:21 pm
I want to SECOND this advice:

"Your dog does not have behavioral problems. Your dog lacks training and needs more exercise." This is not rocket science, but BASIC common SENSE to the REST of us. If you cannot (or will not) provide BOTH the major & daily aerobic exercise & the formal obedience training, then re-home the dog. "A TIRED dog = is a better behaved dog, because it has NO choice."
2017-03-29 9:10 am
First, he sounds like a high energy dog if you expect company then take him on a long run to tire him out. He probably nips for attention, and jumps because he thinks its okay for him to act that way. When he jumps turn your back and don't give any praise when he eventually settles down (may take up to 3 minutes the 1st-2nd time) put him into a sit then give him lots of praise. If you stay consistent then he will learn to settle down to get attention rather than jump and nip at people.
2017-03-29 8:33 pm
My friend had this problem with her puppy.the pup is 14 months old and had finally settled down.wen coming into the house we said nothing ,no eye contact and if she tried jumping we turned our back on her and folded our arms .once she was calm we approached her to say which hello and a clap.wen out n about the lunging and snapping at face was a bit harder. A high pitched a a or no biting then turning around and going on the other direction.over and over untill she got it.consistence and repetition is key or a good training class.
2017-03-30 1:25 am
first you should NEVER spank a dog. When you were 9 months old did your mom hit you ? You need to get a crate and then read up on crate training. It would help if i knew what breed...example a labrador acts like a puppy for 2 years.
2017-03-29 9:14 am
Hire Cesar Milian to come and punch it in the neck and kick it

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