Are democrats center right by European standards?

2017-03-29 4:55 am
I hear some Europeans saying that Democrats are center right and that Republicans are far left, but I don't know if this true. I'm American and I usually view myself as very left, even compared to the Democrats so I'm curious if Democrats are left wing at all.

回答 (7)

2017-03-29 4:57 am
The two major parties in the US are both a bit to the right of their European counterparts.

For example, American Democrats are slightly more conservative than their closest UK counterparts (Labour Party), and the American Republicans are slightly to the right of their equivalent as well.
2017-03-29 4:59 am
Compared to America, everybody in Europe is on the left
2017-03-29 4:58 am
No, progressives are far left by any standard. LOL
2017-03-29 5:09 am
What they said is hogwash
2017-03-29 5:09 am
Hmm! Nobody knows - rampant confusion and contradiction
2017-03-29 5:00 am
Are you saying there is no racism towards immigrants in Europe? Is that what you are telling me?
2017-03-29 4:59 am
Depends on which Democrats. Some are further left than others.

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