Does iron deficiency cause hemolytic anemia ?

2017-03-27 9:51 pm

回答 (2)

2017-03-28 12:47 pm
hemolysis is a different cause of anemia, which has nothing to do with iron defficiency...
it may be caused by several mechanisms: autoimmunity, hemoglobinopathies=defective synthesis/ production of instable hemoglobins-and these are-in general - inherited/ genetic problems...
hemolysis due to drug effects etc.
hemolysis leads in general to iron overload rather than iron defficiency- by lack of use of iron freed from destroyed red blood cells...
iron defficiecy may be on nutritional grounds( denutrition) and/ or caused by excessive blood loss due to bleeding from polyps/ tumours within the large bowel or stomach,from the womb etc.
參考: medical formal education( I am a Primary Care physician)
2017-03-27 11:20 pm
It helps.

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