If Timmy took 7 years to make a sandwich, and only had 1 slice of salami, how many slices of cheese would he have in total?

2017-03-27 8:45 pm

回答 (6)

2017-03-27 9:06 pm
I don't like cheese on my salami sandwiches. Now that I think about it...I DON'T LIKE SALAMI EITHER.
2017-03-27 9:05 pm
Wouldn't matter, he would die of starvation in the process...
2017-03-27 9:02 pm
Twentycheese years!
2017-03-27 8:48 pm
None. In 7 years, the cheese would have turned moldy and the mice would have eaten it.
2017-03-27 8:47 pm
2017-03-27 8:47 pm
None. And why would he take 7 years - it should take no more than 3 years.

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