Should I see the doctors without my parents?

2017-03-27 8:37 am
I have this thing around my privates I have wanted to get looked at for ages now, it is too embarrassing to ask my parents to book a doctors appointment so I figured once I can drive (one year) I will book an appointment with the doctor. It feels ages away but it is the only thing I can do. I don't really want my parents finding out anyway. Thoughts? I like in the UK and I am 16.

回答 (5)

2017-03-29 12:23 pm
you need to tell your parents, if you wait a yr the situation can get a lot worse, so go tell them, thats what parents are for
2017-03-27 4:34 pm
If there is something wrong, waiting a year is silly. You should get to the doctors as soon as possible. If you cannot walk, can you not get a friend to drive you, or get a bus? Or find out if there is a drop in centre closer to where you live? You could also tell your parents your appointment is for something else, and just ask them to drive you.
2017-03-27 10:34 am
You need to bring this up with your mother immediately and have her arrange a doctors appointment asap. If there is a school nurse, speak to the nurse about it. Just DO IT.
2017-03-27 8:53 am
Can you not just phone up and book it yourself and then just use the bus or train
2017-03-27 8:46 am
If your school has a nurse, then you can talk to her about this.

Nurses know enough to say if you need medical help or not.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:34:42
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