Every time I dream about a person, I end up seeing them the next day!?

2017-03-26 2:25 am
Okay it's only one person this happens with. It's the 18 year old man who took my virginity (I'm 15). I haven't seen him since I transferred schools, but LITTERALLY every time before I'm about to hear from him I have a dream first!!?
Examples: I hadn't heard from him in a month or two and I had a dream he texted me "I miss you" then all of a sudden he texts me out the blue that day!?
Another example was just last night I had a dream we were hanging out, after two weeks he hadn't texted me then I just woke up and looked at my phone and I have a text from him asking if we can FaceTime!?
Why!??? Is he bad news?? Is this a warning sign or WHAT!??

回答 (1)

2017-03-26 9:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Actually you dream of him all the time, day in and day out, but you don't remember. If he "took your virginity when you were 15" you better believe that you are dreaming about him. That is a form of rape in case you didn't know. There are "Sleep Labs" all over the world where ppl go in and sleep all night long and techs go in and wake the person up every hour to record their dreams...and all over the world the results are the same....We dream from 7 to 8 dream a night, but we are lucky to remember the last dream. So I am telling you that you dream of him every night and that you just don't remember those dreams. There is no coincidence, and you are not going crazy. There is a true reason for all of it. so don't worry about it. Hope all works out well for you my 15 year old friend!

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