英文文法詢問 These beans are then dried, roasted,and cooled before being put in a grinding machine,which turns the beans into coffee granules.?

2017-03-24 11:07 pm
These beans are then dried, roasted,and cooled before being put in a grinding machine,which turns the beans into coffee granules.

為什麼這裡要用are being put 不是用are put就好了,我知道他前面的都是被動的,那為什麼這裡要用are being 這樣

回答 (2)

2017-03-24 11:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
These beans are then dried, roasted,and cooled [before being] put in a grinding machine,which turns the beans into coffee granules.
= These beans are then dried, roasted,and cooled before [they are/they are being] put in a grinding machine,which turns the beans into coffee granules.

1.) 原句的寫法 ...before being put in a grinding machine, 簡潔明快,不像...before they are being put in a grinding machine, 囉唆。before being + p.p. 正大行其道,在閱讀時經常會見到。

2.) 時態上來說,是 passive present progressive,但在語意上是不論 "過去、現在、未來",只要這些 beans被置入磨豆機的那一刻,都要經過乾燥、烘焙和冷卻的過程。
2017-03-25 4:23 am
As far as methods of making coffee granules being concerned, these beans are being dried, roasted and cooled prior to putting into coffee-mill for grinding purposes. Yip

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